Prof. David Rousseau PhD BEng FRSA 
Research Director

David Rousseau

David has an academic background in engineering, philosophy and the study of religions, professional experience in high-technology project management and academic research, and a long history of service on the boards of research-oriented charities and committees of academic research centres and societies.

He is interested in the problem of how to see the waters we swim in and the woods our trees grow in, and working on finding better ways to orient ourselves towards targets worth aiming at. 

David founded the CSP in 2012, as a vehicle for promoting his vision that the systems perspective can significantly aid research into foundational questions.  This vision is based on his belief that foundational questions seek to untangle complex realities, and that the systems approach is our current-best way of scientifically engaging with complexity.  His projects are aimed at extending and refining the concepts, principles and methods of Systemology, with a view to finding better ways to ask deep questions, more productive ways to work on answering them, and developing frameworks for leveraging the insights gained towards building a "better world".

Current Appointments

Key Past Appointments

Publications in Work

  • Rousseau, D. & Billingham , J.  General Systems Theory for Systems Engineers (working title)
  • Rousseau, D. & Billingham , J.  Principles for Minimizing Unintended Consequences (working title)
  • Rousseau, D. & Billingham , J.  A framework for designing elegant solutions to complex systemic challenges  (working title)
  • Mobus, G., Rousseau D., Calvo-Amodio J. (Eds), (in prep, edited collection).Towards Integrated Systems Research in Science and Engineering (Springer)
  • Rousseau, D. Consilient Perspectivism: a Systems Philosophy Perspective on the Unity of the World and the Limits of Knowledge (working title)
  • Rousseau, D. & Billingham , J.  A Systems Philosophy Perspective on the Architecture of Reality (working title)

Research Publications

  • Pennotti, M., Brook, P., Rousseau, D. (under review) The evolution of Systems Engineering as a Transdiscipline

  • Brook, P., Pennotti, M., Rousseau, D.  (under review) Acting to ensure Systems Engineering's continuing value in a changing world

  • Brook, P., Madni, A., Pennotti, M., Rousseau, D., Sillitto, H. (under review) Five Perspectives on Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering 

  • Rousseau, D., Pennotti, M., Brook, P. (under review) The Spectrum and Evolution of Systems Engineering’s Guiding Propositions 

  • Calvo-Amodio, J., Rousseau, D. Jackson, M. (2003) Systems Science and Systems Thinking., in Walden et. al., INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, Wiley.  

  • Rousseau, D. (2003) [Book Review] Science of Life after Death, Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 13(1) pp 92-95

  • Brook, P., Pennotti, M., Rousseau, D., (2023) Evolving the SE discipline to Address Global Problems.  Presented to the INCOSE EMEA Sector Conference and Workshops 24-26 April 2023, Sevilla, Spain.  

  • Rousseau, D. & Billingham , J.  Hidden Motives: The Moral Quest Behind the Founding of the SPR.  The Magazine of the Society for Psychical Research, 6 pp 16-19

  • Brook, P., Madni, A., Pennotti, M., Rousseau, D., Sillitto, H.  (2022).  Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering: What is it, why do we need it, and how do we get there from here? Panel presentation to the 32nd Annual INCOSE International Symposium, June25-30, 2022, Detroit, MI, USA

  • Rousseau, D. (2022). Framework for understanding the evolution of SE’s guiding propositions from patterns to heuristics to principles.  Recorded Webinar presented to the Enchantment New Mexico Chapter of INCOSE, 9 March 2022.

  • Rousseau, D., Pennotti, M., & Brook, P. (2022). The Continuing Evolution of Transdisciplinary SE.  Report of the INCOSE Bridge Team presented on January 31, 2022 to the INCOSE Systems Science Working Group at the INCOSE International Workshops 2022.  Published on the SSWG’s Google Drive.
  • Brook, P., Pennotti, M., & Rousseau, D. (2021a). A  Model for Transdisciplinary Engineering.  Recorded “Insight Session” presented to the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, 23 November 2021 (online).
  • Brook, P., Pennotti, M., & Rousseau, D. (2021b). A Framework for Understanding Systems Engineering Principles and Heuristics – Our Learning Journey.  Recorded panel presentation with introduction by Kerry Lunney, INCOSE President.  Presented at the 31st Annual INCOSE International Symposium, July 17-22, Virtual Event, 2021.

  • Rousseau, D. (2021). Kinds of Principles and their Roles in Guiding Systems Engineering.  Contribution to a recorded panel presentation on “A Framework for Understanding Systems Engineering Principles and Heuristics”, at the INCOSE International Symposium (online) 17-22 July 2021.

  • Rousseau, D., & Billingham, J.  What would have to be true about the world? On evidence for the possibility of consciousness surviving death. Submitted to the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies  Essay Competition 2021[Winner of a Runner-up Prize]

  • Watson, M. D., Mesmer, B., Roedler, G., Rousseau, D., Keating, C., Gold, R., Calvo-Amodio, J., Jones, C., Miller, W., Lucero, S., Sedmak,A., Pyster, A. Systems Engineering PrinciplesSystems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK), International Council on Systems Engineering INCOSE)




  • Rousseau, D. (2017). A Systems Philosophy framework and methodology for discovering and leveraging Scientific Systems Principles. Poster presented at the NSF Engineering and System Design (ESD) and Systems Science (SYS) Programs Workshop 2017: Future Directions in Engineering Design and Systems Engineering. 20-22 Jan 2017, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
  • Edson, M., Buckle-Henning, P., Ferris, T., Hieronymi, A., Ison, R., Metcalf, G., Mobus, G., Nguyen, N., Rousseau, D., Sankaran, S. Tuddenham, P. (2017). Systems Research: A Foundation for Systems Literacy.  In: Edson, M., Metcalf, G.S., Tuddenham, P., Chroust, G. (Eds.) Systems Literacy: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conversation of the International Federation for Systems Research, 3-8 April 2016, St. Magdalena, Linz, Austria. Johannes Kepler University, SEA-Publications: Linz,



  • Rousseau, D., (2015). General Systems Theory: Present and Potential. Ludwig von Bertalanffy Memorial Lecture presented at the 2014 Confernce of International Society for the Systems Science. Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 32(5), 522–533 (Special Issue: ISSS Yearbook).
  • Hofkirchner, W., & Rousseau, D., (2015). Foreword. In L. von Bertalanffy, General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications. New Revised Edition, New York: Braziller.
  • Rousseau, D. (2015). Anomalous Cognition and the Case for Mind-Body Dualism. In E. C. May & S. B. Marwaha (Eds.), Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism, and Science [2 volumes] (Vol. 2). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO.
  • Wilby, J., Rousseau, D., Midgley, G., Drack, M., Billingham, J., & Zimmermann, R. (2015). Philosophical Foundations for the Modern Systems Movement. In M. Edson, G. Metcalf, G. Chroust, N. Nguyen, & S. Blachfellner (Eds.), Systems Thinking: New Directions in Theory, Practice and Application. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conversation of the International Federation for Systems Research, April 27 – May 2, 2014, St. Magdalena, Linz (pp. 32-42). Linz, Austria: SEA-Publications, Johannes Kepler University.





Invited Addresses


  • Rousseau, D., CAlvo-Amodio, J., Billingham, J. (2019). “Systemic Virtues in Natural and Engineered Designs”.  Presentation to the Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) in the International Workshops 2019 (IW19) of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), held in Torrance, CA USA, 26 - 29 January 2019.


  • Rousseau, D. (2018). The Future of Systemology: Convergence, Transdisciplinarity and Impact.  Presidential Address delivered at the Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) on the theme of "Innovation and Optimization in Nature and Design" held at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 22-27 July 2018.
  • Rousseau, D. (2018). Systems Engineering of the Future: the Systems Science Perspective.  Contribution to Panel Discussion on "Systems Engineering of the Future" at the International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Washington DC, USA, 7-12 July 2018.
  • Rousseau, D. (2018). Systems Engineering of the Future: the Systems Science Perspective.  "Systems Engineering of the Future" at INCOSE EMEA Sector Systems Engineering Conference, Berlin, Germany 5-7 Nov 2018.
  • Rousseau, D. (2018). “Scientific Systems Principles: a Culture Change for Most Systems Engineers”.  Plenary presentation to the International Workshops 2018 (IW18) of the International Council on Systems Engineering, held in Jacksonville, Florida  USA, 20-23 Jan 2018.
  • Rousseau, D. (2018b). ‘General Principles for a Science of Systems’.  Presentation to the Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Working Group during the International Workshops 2018 (IW18) of the International Council on Systems Engineering, held in Jacksonville, Florida  USA, 20-23 Jan 2018.
  • Rousseau, D. (2018d). “Systems  Principles and Worldviews”.  Workshop presented in the Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) in the International Workshops 2018 (IW18) of the International Council on Systems Engineering, held in Jacksonville, Florida  USA, 20-23 Jan 2018.
  • Rousseau, D. (2018f). “The evolution, variety and uses of scientific systems principles”.  Workshop presented in the Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) at the International Workshops 2018 (IW18) of the International Council on Systems Engineering, held in Jacksonville, Florida  USA, 20-23 Jan 2018.
  • Rousseau, D. (2018h). “Three General Scientific Systems Principles for a Science of Systems”. Workshop presented in the Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) in the International Workshops 2018 (IW18) of the International Council on Systems Engineering, held in Jacksonville, Florida  USA, 20-23 Jan 2018.


  • Emerging Prospects for Establishing Systems Principles.  Contribution to Panel Discussion on "Exploring the Frontiers of Systems Science: Establishing a Foundation for Systems Engineering Practice" at the International Symposium 2017 of the International Council on Systems Engineering, Adelaide Australia 17-20 July 2017. Panel moderated by James Martin, other panellists Rick Dove, Anand Kumar, Tim Ferris, Stephen Cook.
  • Innovation and Optimzation in Nature and Design.  Incoming Presidential Address at the Annual Meeting and Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2017.
  • Systems Science for Systems EngineeringPlenary Presentation to the  INCOSE International Workshops 2017 (IW'17) - Torrance, CA USA, 28 - 31 January 2017.
  • Scientific Systems Principles.  Presentation to the Systems Philosophy Workshop on Principles, Patterns, Isomorphic Processes and Schemas. INCOSE International Workshops 2017 (IW'17) - Torrance, CA USA, 28 - 31 January 2017.
  • Classifying the Systems Science Body of Knowledge (SSBOK).  Presentation to the Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) Workshop on Classifying the SSBOK. INCOSE International Workshops 2017 (IW'17) - Torrance, CA USA, 28 - 31 January 2017.
  • Systems Engineering and the Quest for a General Science of Systems. Research Seminar presented at the School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, 25 Jan 2017.


  • Systems Science and the Quest for a General Systems Theory. Research Seminar presented at the Centre for Systems Studies, University of Hull, UK, 19 December 2016.
  • Scientific Principles for a General Theory of Whole Systems. Keynote presentation at the 60th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Boulder, USA : July 24-30, 2016.
  • Prospects for the Emergence of a General Systems Worldview. Contribution to a panel discussion on "Prospects for a New Systemic Synthesis", together with William (Bill) Schindel, Len Troncale, John Kineman and Jennifer Wilby. Presented at the 60th Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Boulder, USA, July 24-30, 2016.
  • The Value of General Systemology for Translational Science. Presentation at the 9th International Systems Sciences Symposium: Translational Systems Science. Organized by the Center for Agent-based Social Systems Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology. and held on the 13th of March 2016 in the AV Lecture Theater, West Building 9, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology.


  • Manifesto for General Systems Transdisciplinarity. Keynote presentation at the 59th Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Berlin, Germany, 4 August 2015.
  • Systems Philosophy and its Relevance to Systems Engineering. Workshop leader, supported by J. Wilby, J. Billingham, and S. Blachfellner. Workshops organised and sponsored by the Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). Held in conjunction with the International Symposium of INCOSE in Seattle, Washington, USA, 11 Jul 2015, and the 2015 International Conference of the ISSS in Berlin, Germany, 2 August 2015.
  • Systems Philosophy and its Relevance to Systems Engineering. Webinar presented to the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 6 May 2015, Time: 16:00 UTC/ 12:00 am EDT.
  • In Search of General Systems Transdisciplinarity. Presentation at the International Workshops 2015 of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Torrance, Los Angeles, 24-27 Jan 2015.


  • General Systems Theory: Past, Present and Potential. Ludwig von Bertalanffy Memorial Lecture, 58th Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, George Washington University, Washington DC, July 27 - August 1, 2014. Joint presentation with Prof. Peter Caws (University Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Human Sciences, George Washington University).
  • Foundations and a Framework for Future Waves of Systemic Inquiry. Keynote presentation to the Symposium on “Bertalanffy and beyond: improving Systemics for a better future”, at the 22nd European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR), “Civilisation at the Crossroads: Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences”, 22-25 April 2014, University of Vienna.
  • Conceptualizing and Researching Spirituality. Round table discussion at the Research Day organised by the Centre for Spirituality Studies at the University of Hull, 23 September 2014. Together with Paul Dearey (Director of Learning and Teaching, School of Social Sciences, University of Hull) and Prof. Wilf McSherry (Professor in Dignity of Care for Older People, University of Staffordshire).
  • Near-Death Experiences and the Mind-Body Relationship: a Systems-Theoretical Perspective. Invited Research Seminar at the School of Theology, Religious Studies and Islamic Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter, Founder's Library, 14 May 2014.


  • Reflections on the meaning and significance of General System Theory. Invited Research Seminar presented at the Centre for Systems Studies, University of Hull, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, 30 October 2013.
  • The Dimensions of Spirituality. Invited Address to the London local group of the Scientific and Medical Network, Denning Hall, Hampstead, London, 12 August 2013.
  • The Dimensions of Spirituality. Invited Address to the Society for the Study of Normal Psychology, 5 June 2013, Colet House, 151 Talgarth Road, London.
  • Systems Philosophy and the Mind-Body Problem. Invited address to the conference of the Scientific and Medical Network on “Connecting Mind, Spirit and Nature”, 19-23 February 2013, Frenchman’s Cove, Jamaica.


  • A Philosophical Framework for Exploration Science. Invited address to Study Day on "Making Sense of Psi", Society for Psychical Research, 28 April 2012, London, UK.